Find the cheap engagement ring for yourself

Once upon a time, there was a standard of two month's salary is what a person should spend, implying that any affordable rings were not good enough. The belief was that the more you spent, the higher the quality of the ring, and that cheap engagement rings were not good, or even worse yet, not even real diamonds. Maybe this was true back in the day, but this is a different world we're living in. Changes in virtually every aspect of ring production, from obtaining the diamonds to designing the rings and getting the rings to market, have opened up a whole new selection of cheap rings for you to choose from.

Back then, the selection of affordable engagement rings was limited. Heck, the selection of all rings was probably limited for your parent's generation and those before them, simply due to geography and location. I grew up in a decent sized town and we still only had one jewelry store. Cheap engagement rings were not something they specialized in. Now, thanks to the internet and the ability for people to work directly with jewelers from wherever in the country, the selection of cheap engagement rings is endless. And not just simple, basic, non-exciting generic looking rings either. These affordable engagement rings can be personalized, designed on a one-to-one basis, to create the specific look that you are looking forward to seeing on your wife's finger for a very long time.

Think about that. The ring you're buying is something you're going to see every day for the rest of your life. You owe it to yourself and to her as well of course to look at all the options that are out there. Sure, it's noble and romantic to say I saved two months to buy this ring," but it's wholly unnecessary as well. Be less concerned with how much you spent and more concerned with what you're getting for your money. Cheap engagement rings are just that; cheap. Not because the quality has gotten any less but because the availability has gotten that much more. Back in the day, it was almost that you had to pay two month's salary simply because you had no other choice.

But now you do. The world is full of choices people in the past didn't have. So thank everyone for their advice, but do your own research. When you start to see just how many great choices of affordable engagement rings there are, you'll find yourself hoping one of your friends starts thinking about getting engaged just so you can give him some advice about cheap engagement rings of your own.


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