What's the best time to make the mask?

Before coating mask, should first remover, wash your face, and when necessary, you can first go horny. A clean face is good for the absorption of the mask, and also prevents dirt and dirt from entering the pores.
Hot compress
In order to obtain the best Fumian effect, before washing the face, put on the mask before, you can use hot towels wet deposited in the face for three minutes, and then massage in the face for three to five minutes, to open pores, conducive to absorption.wedding hair headband flower
Remove the mask, the application of clean warm water will wash the residue on the face, and then apply a cold towel for a moment, in order to promote the pores contraction, and finally painted with moisturizing cosmetics. MM do not miss the convergence step, some cleansing or exfoliating mask, if the post-processing is careless, it is likely to cause skin damage.
The most vigorous period of growth and repair of human cells, the skin absorption of skin care products are very strong, the most suitable for facial care. Best in hot water bath, open pores, deposited on the moisturizing mask, moisturizing effect on the skin is very obvious. Don't forget to apply moisturizing cream and water after the mask. But after 23:00 hours later, in order not to affect sleep, but also mask time slightly ahead of 10-20 minutes.
The activity of cell regeneration dropped to its lowest point, and the lymphatic circulation was slow. Many people found eyes swollen after getting up. At this point, the skin condition is not suitable for conventional facial mask care, but many women need to change the dark circles or poor facial expression, it may be possible to do some local care, such as deposited mask, so as to enhance the circulation of the eye.
The function of the skin has reached peak, and people's mental state is better. At this point, the resistance of the skin cell tissue is stronger, the secretion of sebaceous glands is very active, and the endurance is better. So if you have time to mask care, you can do exfoliating mask, spot mask, acne mask, etc., the skin at this time the incidence of allergies is relatively low.wedding hair comb
People are generally more tired, the body blood pressure and hormone levels have decreased, the skin state began to decline. Many people found that the morning skin is also bright and moist, and may be out of oil or dry in the afternoon, there may be a small fine lines. So, at this time for mask care, you can do some moisturizing mask and firming mask, and add a little amount of essence. wedding hairclip
Increased oxygen content in the blood, the skin's absorption of nutrients has also increased. This is the people outside the home after a busy time, if the skin by UV, in the wind, dry climate, sun damage, emergency care should be returned to the home, including nursing sun repair mask. In addition, because of this time the absorption of the skin better, you can also do some nourishing type mask.


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